
Name Sort descending Title Author(s) Available since
Cacao Simulation Engine (CASE)2 CASE2: A physiological production model for cocoa Pieter A. Zuidema & Peter A. Leffelaar
CCC Cropping Calendar Construction (CCC) model Pepijn van Oort
Compromise programming example Compromise programming example: Non-interactive calibration of utility-based metrics A. Kanellopoulos, M. Lubbers
Data on Phosphorus Data on "Residual soil phosphorus" S. Sattari
Farm defenders Africa Farm Defenders Africa - A 3D farm simulation game. Philip Parker, Paul Parker, Javier Rangel, Favian Beltran, Sean Obetz,...
FarmSim FarmSim: an integrated crop – livestock model developed to analyse African smallholder farm systems Pablo Tittonell, Mariana Rufino, Mark van Wijk
FSSIM 2.0 FSSIM 2.0 Argyris Kanellopoulos, Sander Janssen and Martin Van Ittersum
FST software FST (FSE) - A programming language for developing simulation models Daniel van Kraalingen
GECROS GECROS, a detailed eco-physiological crop growth simulation model to analyse genotype-environment interactions Xinyou Yin
Gfortran compiler Gfortran compiler Pepijn van Oort
Grain weight distribution model Grain weight distribution model Pepijn van Oort
KNMI weather conversion program KNMI weather conversion program Pepijn van Oort
LegumesPurestand_Water-Stress & MaizePurestand_Water-Stress WATER STRESS?? -- Pure stand & Intercrops Esther Mugi
LiGAPS-Beef (Livestock simulator for Generic analysis of Animal Production Systems –Beef cattle) LiGAPS-Beef Aart van der Linden, Gerrie W.J. van de Ven, Simon J. Oosting, Martin K. van Ittersum, and Imke J.M. de Boer
LiGAPS-Dairy (Livestock simulator for Generic analysis of Animal Production Systems –Dairy cattle) LiGAPS-Dairy Aart van der Linden, Simon J. Oosting, Gerrie W.J. van de Ven, Martin K. van Ittersum, Pierre J. Gerber, and Imke J.M. de Boer
LINGRA model LINGRA model a simple grass model for potential and water limited conditions Joost Wolf, Ad Schapendonk
LINGRA-N LINGRA-N a grassland model for potential, water limited and N limited conditions (FORTRAN) Joost Wolf
LINTUL - BRASNAP LINTUL - BRASNAP model: Crop growth model of winter oilseed rape (Brassica Napus L.) Barbara Habekotté
LINTUL-1 & 2 in R with parameters for spring wheat and maize LINTUL-1 & 2 in R Antonius G.T. Schut and Mink Zijlstra
LINTUL1 LINTUL-1, a simple crop growth model to simulate growth under potential growing conditions Peter Leffelaar
LINTUL2 LINTUL-2, a simple crop growth model for both potential and water limited growing conditions Peter Leffelaar
LINTUL2 Cassava LINTUL-2 Crop growth model for cassava for both potential and water limited growing conditions Guillaume K.S. Ezui, Leffelaar Peter
LINTUL2 Cassava in R LINTUL-2, a simple crop growth model for both potential and water limited growing conditions Antonius G.T. Schut, J.G. Adiele, Rob van den beuken
LINTUL3 LINTUL-3, a simple crop growth model for both potential, water limited and nitrogen limited growing conditions Peter Leffelaar
LINTUL4 LINTUL-4 generic simulation model for crop growth under potential, water limited and N-limited conditions and under climatic change Joost Wolf
LINTUL4-VSHT LINTUL4-VSHT Crop model for potential/waterlim/N limited growth with sink limitation Joost Wolf
LINTUL5 LINTUL-5 Crop growth simulation model for potential, water-limited, N-limited and NPK-limited conditions Joost Wolf
LINTUL6 LINTUL-6 a simple crop growth model for crop rotations Joost Wolf
LINTUL_Cassava_NPK LINTUL_Cassava_NPK A.G.T. Schut, J. Adiele
LIVSIM LIVSIM for Mere cattle in Mali Mariana Rufino, Ousmane Sonogo, Nico de Ridder, Mink Zijlstra
NPOTATO NPOTATO, a detailed model for simulating crop growth under potential, water limited and nitrogen limited conditions Joost Wolf
NWHEAT NWHEAT, a detailed model to simulate the growth of wheat under potential, water limited and nitrogen limited conditions Rob Groot, Joost Wolf
ORYZA2000 ORYZA2000 rice crop growth simulation model P.A.J. van Oort
PALMSIM PALMSIM : Simulating growth and yield of oil palm. Zijlstra, M., Beuken, R. van den, Hekman W.
PermVeg PermVeg: A generic tool to design and assess crop rotations for permanent vegetable production systems. Mr. Herman de Putter, Mr. Witono Adiyoga,Huib.Hengsdijk, P. T. T. Huong
Phenology calibration program Phenology calibration program P.A.J. van Oort
pheno_opt_rice a rice phenology calibration program pheno_opt_rice a rice phenology calibration program Pepijn van Oort
POTATOS POTATOS, a simple potato crop growth model Joost Wolf
QUEFTS QUEFTS, model to analyse the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium limitation on crops growing on tropical soils Bert Janssen, Mink Zijlstra (R-version)
RC-P RC-P, model to calculate the long-term recovery of applied fertiliser phosphorus Joost Wolf
RC_KP RC_KP, a model to describe annual N, P and K uptake in crop rotations A.G.T. Schut & Wiebke Reymann
Simple model for simulating heat induced sterility in rice as a function of flowering time and transpirational cooling Simple model for simulating heat induced sterility in rice as a function of flowering time and transpirational cooling Pepijn van Oort
Sterility model for hybrid rice EGMS lines Sterility model for hybrid rice EGMS lines Pepijn van Oort
SUCROS 1&2 Simple and Universal Crop growth Simulator (SUCROS) Dr. Peter Leffelaar
SWAP SWAP, a model to simulate transport of water, solutes and heat in unsaturated/saturated soils and crop growth Jos van Dam
TechnoGIN TechnoGIN, a tool for exploring and evaluating resource use efficiency of cropping systems Ponsioen, T.C.; Hengsdijk, H.; Wolf, J.; Ittersum, M.K. van; Rötter, R.P.; Son, T.T.; Laborte, A.G.
Visual Fortran Compiler Visual Fortran Compiler (VFC) xxx
WOFOST WOFOST, model for quantitative analysis of the growth and production of the main annual crops Joost Wolf, Allard de Wit
WUR-LICT WUR-Living Income Tool NA