pheno_opt_rice a rice phenology calibration program

    pheno_opt_rice a rice phenology calibration program
    Program type
    phenology parameter calibration program
    Available since

    pheno_opt_rice is a program that calibrates phenology parameters. pheno_opt_rice has been designed for rice, but can be adapted for calibrating phenology of other crops.

    Unique features of the model are that:

    1. All phenological parameters are calibrated simultaneously (base temperature, optimum temperature, temperature sum). Etc This new, many of the older calibration programs assume fixed base temperature and optimum temperature etc and then calibrate the temperature sum only
    2. It can do the calibration for multiple sites in one go, but only one variety at a time
    3. It quantifies if there is correlation between phenology prediction error and temperature. So it will tell you if the model is also accurate at higher temperatures and lower temperatures and up to what temperature range the calibration is valid
    4. It also shows near optimal solutions, this provides info on accuracy of parameter estimates
    5. All code is open and scientific background is in a published paper

    Pheno_opt_rice was developed by Tianyi Zhang and Pepijn van Oort, with equal contribution from us both. It was a lot of work for the both of us. Please, when you use the calibration program please acknowledge our work by citing our work:

    van Oort, P.A.J., Zhang, T., de Vries, M.E., Heinemann, A.B., Meinke, H. 2011. Correlation between temperature and phenology prediction error in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151(12): 1545-1555.

    Zhang, T., Zhu, J., Yang, X., 2008. Non-stationary thermal time accumulation reduces the predictability of climate
    change effects on agriculture. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148 (10), 1412–1418.

    Scale of application
    Spatial resolution
    Key outputs

    optimised phenological parameters
    Optimised parameters can be directly pasted into the ORYZA2000 crop growth model. Small changes to ORYZA2000 code are needed, documentation on required changes is included.

    Time horizon
    Time step of modeling
    Required to run

    fortran compiler. If you do not yet have a fortran compiler check out

    Required to develop

    If you just follow the manuals you should be able to run the calibration program without any additional skills.
    For changes in optimisations criteria or applications to other crops you can modify the code. If you are an advanced
    user like this, please contact Pepijn van Oort to keep me informed and allow me to help you

    Database I/O
    Background information
    User guide

    van Oort, P.A.J., Zhang, T., de Vries, M.E., Heinemann, A.B., Meinke, H. 2011. Correlation between temperature and
    phenology prediction error in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151(12): 1545-1555.
    Zhang, T., Zhu, J., Yang, X., 2008. Non-stationary thermal time accumulation reduces the predictability of climate
    change effects on agriculture. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148 (10), 1412–1418.

    Applications & Use

    Accurate phenology simulation is important for the following applications (and probably more):
    crop growth simulation
    simulation of risk of crop failure due to heat, cold, drought and other stresses
    cropping calendar optimisation
    calibration of other parameters in crop growth models that are phenology dependent

    Pepijn van Oort
    WUR, Plant Production Systems, P.O. Box 430, 6700 AK Wageningen, The Netherlands