Historical yield data from experimental farms in the Netherlands

Submitted by pepijn.vanoort on
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    historical yield data from experimental farms in the Netherlands
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    historical yield data from experimental farms in the Netherlands. These were collected in the AgriAdapt project by Pepijn van Oort and Bart Timmermans. They were used in a paper on identification of key weather extremes in potato production in the netherlands:

    van Oort, P.A.J., Timmermans, B.G.H., Meinke, H., Van Ittersum, M.K., 2012. Key weather extremes affecting potato production in the Netherlands. European Journal of Agronomy 37(1): 11-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2011.09.002

    The dataset contains:

    • Historical Yield data (starting 1959) on the following crops: aardappelen, haver, korrelmais, rogge, schorseneren, snijmais, stamslabonen, suikerbieten, tuinbonen, uien, veldbonen, waspeen, wintergerst, wintertarwe, zomergerst, zomertarwe
    • Most data on aardappelen, suikerbieten, wintertarwe
    • Distinction pootaardappelen & consumptie aardappelen, suikerbieten & voederbieten
    • CBS data (Central Bureau of Statistics) 1994-2008
    Spatial resolution
    Scale of application
    Time step
    Required to use
    Microsoft Excell
    Data I/O
    Pepijn van Oort & Bart Timmermans
    WUR, Plant Production Systems, P.O. Box 430, 6700 AK Wageningen, The Netherlands

    pepijn.vanoort@wur.nl; p.vanoort@cgiar.org