Sterility model for hybrid rice EGMS lines

    Sterility model for hybrid rice EGMS lines
    Program type
    Visual Basic (VB)
    Available since

    A model is presented that can accurately predict sterility of Environment-conditioned genic male sterility (EGMS) parent lines for producing hybrids as a function of sowing date and weather data.

    Input data:

    • a number of genetic parameters for predicting phenology and sterility
    • weather data (daily minimum and maximum temperature)
    • sowing date

    Key outputs:

    • Flowering date
    • EGMS male sterility
    • Cold sterility
    • Total sterility



    Scale of application
    plant / field
    Spatial resolution
    plant / field
    Key outputs
    • flowering date
    • EGMS male sterility
    • Cold sterility
    • Total sterility
    Time horizon
    Time step of modeling
    Required to run

    Microsoft Excel

    Required to develop

    Microsoft Excel

    Database I/O

    This model can be used to predict which sowing dates and locations will have 100% male sterility, which is essential when producing pure hybrids. It can also be useful for finding which sowing dates and locations will have<50% male sterility, which is needed to multiply the EGMS line.

    Pepijn van Oort
    WUR, Plant Production Systems, P.O. Box 430, 6700 AK Wageningen, The Netherlands