In March 2022 a number of updates have been implemented in WUR-LICT to fix some small issues and update the look and feel of the application. #### **commit ID: 2792a1c3d3db12c8d930fff97dfa6da216ea30e6** The field "pricePerWeight" is changed to "sampleWeight". Moreover, instead of a single value, a number of values equal to the number of current prices that can be entered by the user is reserved. This means that for every product both a price and the weight of that sample need to be entered. #### **commit ID: 37f510c327031bed76601257ee55913a3c40474c** Non source code related material has been cleaned-up and removed from tracking to free up a considerable amount of space in the repository. #### **commit ID: 6a4ec5c1dd90b9e685f29fcc127d87aed7e1c9a9** A number of tools have been added that facilitate the working of the application: - **MedianPerKgCalculator**: calculates the median prices per kg for data entered as a combination of a price and a sample weight. - **RecalculateFoodData**: makes sure that all derived characteristics are up-to-date by recalculating them from the raw data. - **UpgradeProjectFile**: adds some data fields that are required in the latest version of WUR-LICT. #### **commit ID: 1ccbf51402dfddbf711b06c74c1978de10d86bf8** This commit adds material Cards to style the lay-out of the application, cleans up the tables and fixes some minor bugs: - Some costs were not calculated due to a faulty if-statement in ResultsTab.js. The conditions for this if-statement have been made into variables so they can be checked more easily. - In the food-data the price to use for the model was not calculated correctly. In the new setup prices per kg are calculated from the data entered by the user. The price to use is then determined based on these calculated prices. #### **commit ID: 722e82f1daa1263c6461bb8ba6fd858106c443e1** The version number of the required version of material-table is changed to 1.69.0. Newer versions contain a bug that prevents using fixed column width. #### **commit ID: 86cba3430ac3bb202e960f68c9da34d030eb93af** Rather than check whether the entire costItems string in the data matches a pre-defined string in the code, the code now checks whether the string in the data starts with a pre-defined key. The pre-defined projects in the application have slightly different strings for costItems than the ones in the custom made projects. The start of the strings is the same, however, so the code now checks for the start of the string.